Preparing for Christmas...

Posted on Friday, December 7, 2012

Working on craft shows and trying to get ready for Christmas are a bit more difficult than I had first imagined!  I figured I wouldn't have any trouble fitting both in, but since I've added another show this December, I'm finding it hard to get anything done!
Decorating for Christmas is just falling by the wayside right now. (Plus, I don't have a whole lot of "Christmas spirit" this year.)  Honestly, I've tried cleaning and getting things picked up, but with all the stuff I need for the craft show, my house is just a mess and I don't see a way to make it any better. 
Oh well, I hope that after this weekend, once my husband gets the Christmas tree up, I'll get into the spirit of the holiday!

Also, while spending a little time online, I stumbled across the "pies in a jar" phenomenon and oh goodness, are they cute!
(For some pictures and instructions, you can find them here: http://www.ourbestbites.com/2009/09/single-serving-pie-in-a-jar/)
I really, really want to make some as Christmas gifts and to serve during my own holiday meals.  I am definitely going to try making some this weekend. (Where I'm going to find the time, I don't know yet!)

Anyway, hope everyone is having a great December and happy holiday wishes to everyone!

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