My "Aww...Shucks" Moment...

Posted on Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Today, when I signed in to check my Etsy store, I got all excited...
I looked at the top of my site and it said I only had 94 items available. (I should have had 103 available.)  So, of course I thought..."YAY!  There was a run on my candles and I made tons of sales!"  I quickly scrolled down, to see all the new sales and BAM...my number of sales hadn't changed.

So, I'm thinking, "what in the world happened?"...
I check my listings and find out that I just had a bunch of items expire! (I of course renewed them.)

But, I had this fleeting moment, thinking my shop had finally taken off...
Oh well, hopefully some morning soon, I will wake to tons of sales!


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