Beautiful day...

Posted on Thursday, May 16, 2013

It is a lovely day outside and I had a few spare minutes, so I thought I'd seek outside and snap a couple pictures of the budding trees in our yard.
We even had one tulip in bloom! (Our poor tulip bed needs some work!  Hardly anything came up this year.)

Our lilac trees are getting ready to bloom...
(And I can't wait, I just love when all the lilacs bloom!)

So far only the purple ones are blooming...
I really hope the white ones start soon!

We purchased a type of verbena tree last summer and it survived the winter...
And is starting to bloom!

Once the buds open, the tree will be full of pretty white blooms!
(I did edit the photo a tad, just for fun!) :)

Lastly, a picture of our lone tulip...
(At least I think it is a tulip.)

Quite frankly, I think its a lovely little flower...
Planning to work on these beds this fall, so next spring there will be a whole bunch of tulips in bloom!

Anyway, off to work I go...
Hoping to have tons of new products to upload to the shop soon!


  1. very pretty begining!! hope you will shared more pics when they are in full bloom!!

    1. Thanks Jen! Once everything blooms, I'll definitely be out, taking more pictures!

  2. I love lilacs so much, you are lucky to have them in your yard - beautiful pictures!

    1. Lilacs are one of my favorites! We even put in 2 more trees/bushes last summer! (Can't wait for them to bloom.)
